Overnight Oats With Old Fashioned Oats

This overnight oats recipe is the epitome of a healthy, easy breakfast! Here'southward how to make it, with lots of tips and topping ideas.

Overnight oats

Looking for the epitome of an easy breakfast thought? Try this overnight oats recipe! There's no cooking involved here: in fact, you tin mix up a jar in but 2 minutes! Exit rolled oats in the fridge overnight with milk, and it magically makes them into a sort of porridge. Eat them cold topped with berries or nut butter and they're absolutely fantastic! This easy breakfast has been trendy for years now. But it wasn't until recently that Alex and I found a recipe that we really like (more than on that below). Here are lots of tips and topping ideas for how to make the all-time overnight oats always!

How to make overnight oats

This overnight oats recipe has only 4 ingredients, plus common salt. That'south less than most recipes yous'll find! Hither'southward the breakup of what yous'll need (or jump to the recipe below):

  • Rolled Erstwhile Fashioned oats*
  • Milk of selection (2%, oat milk, or almond milk or other)
  • Maple syrup
  • Vanilla

That'south it! Throw them into a jar and leave the in the fridge overnight. Instant breakfast! Hither'south the thing though: there are a few tips to proceed in listen about this process. Let's run through them apace!

Overnight oats recipe

Apply Onetime Fashioned rolled oats, not steel cutting

This overnight oats recipe is for Old Fashioned rolled oats, the kind that yous apply to make your standard oatmeal that await like flat discs. Exercise not use steel cut oats here! Why? Well, steel cut oats are whole grain oats that are cut into nubs instead of rolled out: the grains look like brown rice or barley. They accept much longer to melt than rolled oats. We tested the overnight process with steel cut oats, but information technology turned out terribly. The texture of the oats tasted soaked grains of rice (yuck!), even after several days in the fridge.

Some people think that steel cutting oats are healthier than rolled oats. That's actually non true! Both varieties take very similar nutritional profiles: lots of poly peptide and fiber to start your day. So opt for rolled oats here and you lot're losing nil. (Read more at Steel Cutting vs Rolled Oats.)

Chia seeds aren't required!

Many overnight oats recipes out in that location accept chia seeds in them. Confession: we tried an overnight oats with chia seeds recipe a few years ago, and it turned u.s.a. off on the concept for years. Chia seeds form a gel when they're wetted, so they give overnight oats a jelly-similar quality. To us, this wasn't appetizing!

If this has happened to you lot before: never fear! Chia seeds aren't essential for overnight oats. Overnight oats are simply oats soaked with milk and seasonings. So the texture here is just softened oats: not jelly-like at all!

How to make overnight oats

All-time eaten the next twenty-four hour period, but you can store

Speaking of texture…let's chat about that briefly. Brand sure to note this, if yous've never had them before: The texture of overnight oats is not similar normal oatmeal. It'southward softer and a little more…gooey. Only information technology's very delicious, in one case you get used to it.

This overnight oats recipe is best eaten the solar day subsequently y'all go far. Why? Nosotros found that the texture of oats tin can get very soggy and gooey later a few days in the refrigerator. If you don't mind that, you can store it 2 to 3 days. We like information technology best eaten the next day.

Overnight oats recipe is eaten cold (but you tin can warm them)

Another affair: overnight oats are typically eaten cold correct from the refrigerator. This again makes information technology a niggling dissimilar from normal oats, and so you lot have to get used to it. Call up of it more than like a combination between breakfast cereal and oatmeal.

Desire to heat information technology upwardly instead? Y'all can do that as well! Microwave it for almost 40 to 60 seconds, stopping about halfway through to stir. Make sure you lot have enough room in your jar for overflow. You too tin heat it on the stovetop, though that'south kind of defeating the purpose of these oats! In that case, yous might equally well just make oatmeal (it takes only a few minutes).

Overnight oats

Good for you overnight oats topping ideas!

In one case y'all've got your tasty overnight oats, you can decide on your toppings! Here'southward the thing: many overnight oats recipes have loads of carbohydrate in the toppings. For united states, we prefer not to overload on sugar for the outset meal of the 24-hour interval! Then here are some ideas for healthy overnight oats topping ideas:

  • Strawberries
  • Blueberries
  • Sliced bananas
  • Cubed apples
  • Peanut butter
  • Almond butter
  • Cashew butter
  • Pecan butter
  • Honey
  • Maple syrup
  • Pepitas
  • Dried cranberries or cherries
  • Raisins

What's our favorite? Personally, I love my oatmeal with a pinch of salt and a swirl of cashew or almond butter. Alex likes to load it with fruit and a drizzle of honey or maple syrup.

More oatmeal recipes

Confession: we dearest this overnight oats recipe, merely we're fractional to regular oatmeal and our extremely succulent baked oatmeal. This overnight oats is a close 2d. Here are a few more of our favorite oatmeal recipes:

  • Best Oatmeal Recipe Straight up delicious: the best way to make information technology!
  • Toasted Oatmeal (Vegan) The oatmeal recipe I eat every day: it's toasted then it'south got a nutty olfactory property.
  • Savory Oatmeal Change it upwards and go for savory toppings
  • Oatmeal Pancakes Swallow it as a stack of flapjacks, instead!
  • Peanut Butter Oatmeal or Easy Banana Oatmeal Succulent variations on a theme!
  • Perfect Steel Cutting Oats Creamy, chewy porridge, for y'all steel cut oats lovers.
  • Like shooting fish in a barrel Instant Pot Oatmeal Did you know you can make oatmeal in a pressure level cooker?
  • Everyday Baked Oatmeal Cozy spiced and full of season! A favorite.
  • Banana Broiled Oatmeal Healthy and totally irresistible.
Best overnight oats

This overnight oats recipe is…

Vegetarian, vegan, plant-based, dairy-free and gluten-free.


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This overnight oats recipe is the paradigm of a good for you, easy breakfast! Here'southward how to make information technology, with lots of tips and topping ideas.

  • ¾ cup rolled Old Fashioned oats*
  • ¾ loving cup milk of choice (two%, oat milk, or almond milk)
  • one tablespoon maple syrup
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla
  • ⅛ teaspoon kosher table salt
  • Topping ideas: berries, banana slices, diced apple, peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter,  toasted nuts, dried fruit, maple syrup, etc.

  1. Place the oats, milk, maple syrup, vanilla and salt in a pocket-sized jar with a encompass and stir or shake to combine.
  2. Leave in the refrigerator or overnight. The oats are best the next day, but y'all tin store 2 to 3 days (the texture becomes more sticky). This oatmeal is meant to exist enjoyed cold straight from the refrigerator. Add toppings and relish! If you'd like, y'all also tin microwave the jar for about 40 to 60 seconds.


*Do not utilize steel cut oats.

  • Prep Time: five minutes
  • Melt Fourth dimension: 2 minutes
  • Category: Breakfast
  • Method: Stirred
  • Cuisine: American

Keywords: Overnight oats, overnight oats recipe, how to make overnight oats

About the authors

Sonja & Alex

Meet Sonja and Alex Overhiser: Husband and wife. Expert home cooks. Authors of recipes you'll desire to brand over again and once again.

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